Let us know what you want us to play…
Radio Redhill exists for the patients and staff of East Surrey Hospital and, as such, our broadcasting is still based around the request programmes, which go out every evening. On Sundays we also offer request programmes in the morning.
With each of these programmes lasting an hour and a half, we need at least 16 requests from patients and staff, for a full and lively show and we can cope well with 20.
When requests are promised, they are always played. We know how much it means to you, the patient, to feel that somebody cares just for you.
How do we get requests for each day’s broadcasting? Well, Radio Redhill has a number of volunteers who visit the wards and talk to the patients at least three times a week. Sometimes volunteers will visit some of the wards every day. This is a time consuming but pleasurable task, meeting you and getting to know you just a little and finding out which type of music you like best.
Many of our collectors are also broadcasters and when they visit the wards, patients can visualise who they are listening to later in the evening. The broadcasters in turn feel they know a little about who their audience is, because they have met many of them.
Other requests are collected by trainee broadcasters or programme assistants. They are mainly young people who wish to assist Radio Redhill in any way they can.
How do you play your part in all of this? Well, think about your favourite type of music or your favourite singer or song. Then, when the request collector comes to your ward you can be ready with your choice of music.
You can call our request line on 01737 488069 or email us using the form below whatever the time of day or night. We will then play your request on the next available programme.

MEDICINE heals the body; MUSIC heals the soul.