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Listen Live

Broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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On Air Now: Your Requests


HTML 5 Player

Windows Media Player
Winamp or VLC


Listening in the Wards


You can listen via this website using a phone, tablet or laptop (click the link at the top of this page). You can also use the Tune-In app.

If you need to connect to the hospital’s free wifi, search on your device for the network NHS_WIFI. Follow the on screen instructions to register and get connected.

Tuning Dial

On the radio:

Listen on FM with a radio. Tune to 100.4FM. 

On TV:

In Limpsfield, Nutfield, Leigh, Newdigate, Buckland, Tandridge and ICU wards the communal TVs receive Radio Redhill on channel 750.


At home

If you have a voice activated speaker like an Amazon Echo or Google Home, you can use it to listen to Radio Redhill. Just say ‘Alexa play Radio Redhill’ or ‘OK Google play Radio Redhill’. You can also listen via this website using a phone, tablet or laptop (click the link a the top of this page). You’ll also find us on Internet radios by searching for Radio Redhill. Staff living in the onsite residence blocks can also listen on 100.4FM.






On Air Now: Your Requests


Native Player


Listening in the Wards


You can listen via this website using a phone, tablet or laptop (click the link at the top of this page). You can also use the Tune-In app.

If you need to connect to the hospital’s free wifi, search on your device for the network NHS_WIFI. Follow the on screen instructions to register and get connected.

On the radio:

Listen on FM with a radio. Tune to 100.4FM. 

Tuning Dial

On TV:

In Limpsfield, Nutfield, Leigh, Newdigate, Buckland, Tandridge and ICU wards the communal TVs receive Radio Redhill on channel 750.


At home

If you have a voice activated speaker like an Amazon Echo or Google Home, you can use it to listen to Radio Redhill. Just say ‘Alexa play Radio Redhill’ or ‘OK Google play Radio Redhill’. You can also listen via this website using a phone, tablet or lap

top (click the link a the top of this page). You’ll also find us on Internet radios by searching for Radio Redhill. Staff living in the onsite residence blocks can also listen on 100.4FM.



Contact Us

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Radio Redhill
East Surrey Hospital
Surrey RH1 5RH

Phone: 01737 488069
Hospital Extension: 6290

Email Us

Join Us

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Request a Song

  • via our volunteers on the ward
  • via our online request form
  • via telephone (01737 488069)
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